Thursday, April 15, 2010


It been a long time since I have posted here or anywhere really. I have been tired..very tired and worried and busy.
Saturday before Easter we received a little surprise in the form of a pregnancy test with a BFP..or in layman terms..A Big Fat Positive.
But with the first sono, which I received because I just didn't feel right, the doctor said this pregnancy can go either way.
There was a pool of blood in the uterus but the pregnancy was just where it should be for 6 weeks. He didn't see a baby, but that is normal according to him, at this stage.
I didn't have symptoms except for one day, that saturday when I was sick to my stomach, in that familiar pregnancy way. And then nothing. with 4 M/C in my past I knew there might be a reason for no symptoms..hormones were not where they should be..high enough.
Well..FINALLY, I started feeling sick to my stomach more regularly.
Next week I get another Sono just to make sure things are still going well.
Haven't been frugal AT ALL. Hmm..thats another post for another time.